

The Sunday just prior to Ash Wednesday

We observe this age-old day by having a fellowship with snacks of different varieties of pretzels and all the fixings after the worship service.

The Story of the Pretzel

Long ago, Lent was a time of sadness, when early Christians felt they should suffer.  For forty days, they ate no rich foods; no meat, cheese, eggs, or even milk.  They ate fruit and fish, and they baked bread shaped into arms crossed in prayer.  They called this bread bracellae, later referred to as bretzel, to become pretzel. The Sunday befoer Ash Wednesday became known as "Pretzel Sunday", to remind people to think about the meaning of Lent and to bake this bread during Lent.  Pretzels were never served after Palm Sunday.  European immigrants brought pretzels to America and now we enjoy them all year!


A traditional worship service held at 6:30 pm.  During the service, ashes are placed on foreheads or the top of the hand in the shape of a cross. It is done as a personal act of remembrance and as a sign or a witness for others. The ashes come from the burnt Palms from last year's Passion Sunday celebration, which begins Holy Week.


Worship services are held for six Wednesdays at 6:30 pm beginning on Ash Wednesday.  Lent is a 40-day season that begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Easter. Lent is a season of repentance – a great time to reflect on aspects of our lives that are unChrist-like that we would like to change. This is the place for us to begin – to do some reflection on our lives.



A traditional worship service with the Sacrament of Communion is held on the Friday before Easter Sunday to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus and his death at Calvary.  Good Friday is called "good" because of the religious significance of the day for Jesus's death on the cross as the ultimate sacrifice for humanity's sins. 

We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ with a traditional worship service. The Bible says that Christ died on the cross on a day called Good Friday and was buried for three days. According to the Bible, Jesus was then resurrected and came back to life on Easter Sunday.    

Following the service, we welcome everyone to join us for fellowship and a free brunch provided by the church members. 


We celebrate All Saints Day on the 1st Sunday of November to commemorate our loved ones who have gone before us to their eternal home in heaven. It is a day of prayer for and remembrance of our “faithfully departed” relatives and friends. In Methodist theology, All Saints Day revolves around "giving God solemn thanks for the lives and deaths of his saints".



A special service in place of the regular worship service held the 1st Sunday of Advent.  The RFUMC members participate in reading the significance of each of the traditional items used to decorate the church.  The service culminates with the decorting of the Christmas tree while Christmas hymns are sung.  By the end of the service, the sanctuary is beautifully decorated and ready for the Advent season leading up to Christmas.

Held after the Church Decorating Service on the 1st Sunday of Advent.

A delicious potluck meal provided by the families of the church.  Everyone is welcome to join us for fellowship and lunch as we celebrate the fall harvest season and the upcoming Advent season.



A traditional worship service held on December 24th filled with the Christmas story and traditional Christmas hymns, as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.